Bowersdale Resource Centre (BRC) April Update.
We have had a fantastic April at The BRC, our service users and staff have been enjoying our new packed activity programme.
We have been busy in the garden sowing our vegetable seeds and planting our bulbs. The local birds, squirrels, bees and butterflies are also enjoying the beautiful garden and the constant supply of food we put out for them.
We had a visit from Eric from The Conservation Volunteers @ I dig trees to check our whips. We are so pleased to hear that our whips are growing well and we will have a hedgerow soon for our birds and other wildlife to nest in.
We are really looking forward to the judges from Britain in Bloom coming to judge us in the next couple of months. We are ready to reach that level 5! There are always jobs to be done in the garden, so feel free to come and join us if you are able and would like to help out and learn a new skill.
We have been using our gym, it’s keeping everyone at the BRC healthy and is good for our service users and staff mental health too, giving us all extra energy and making us happier.
Drum-a-Size continues to be successful and we are loving making a noise, singing, drumming and having fun.
We have started a learning together project, learning to read and write together, even buying books to read at home. We will be joining a library as-well.
Holistic therapy sessions continue with the lovely Geraldine who does a 2 hour session weekly on a Wednesday. She provides healthy food for all to taste and teaches us about the benefits of different herbs, alongside the normal relaxation and chair exercises.
Mental Health group is still taking place every Thursday, if you need a safe place to talk and clear your thoughts.
The BRC Visit Blackpool!
We had the best time on our Blackpool weekend, some of our service users had not been out of Sefton for many years and one had not been on holiday for over 30 years.
Everyone loved the hotel and the sit down 5 course evening meal. The nightly entertainment was amazing, with cash bingo and live music, followed by dancing!
During the day, we enjoyed walks along the prom, shopping and the arcades. On the Saturday we played a game of crazy golf which was a lot of fun.
We are hoping to do another weekend away very soon as we had so much fun! Our service users are working towards being fit enough to take part in the Santa dash this year to help raise money to help fund another trip away, so watch this space for more details!