James is a middle aged man who currently lives in a supported living setting. James attends the Bowersdale Centre on a regular basis, usually early mornings when his anxiety is at a high.
Case Study: JosieJosie is a middle aged lady who lives with a mild learning disability and bouts of psychosis. She is a very shy and quiet person who lives alone independently.
Case Study: IssacIsaac is a middle aged man who lives on his own with support from outreach. Isaac has a learning disability and also suffers from an anxiety disorder.
Case Study: HealthwatchDeleted: We at the Bowersdale Resource Centre aim to promote health and wellbeing for our service users using various approaches.
Ryan has a love of fishing and has recently gained his license to fish along with his support staff.
Case Study: GaryGary is a long standing Service User of Expect having joined us in 2016. He has gained so much confidence during his time with us.