BRC February Update

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February as been all about Love at The BRC.

We started February with a Time to Talk coffee afternoon, we played games to get conversations started and we all talked openly to each other about day to day issues that affect our mental health as well as things from the past that have affected our lives. We have all been learning to love ourselves more and making day to day changes on how we deal with our bad days and finding different ways to cope with them!

We had a great Valentines disco with the best DJ! Loads of singing and dancing, some amazing food and some very special gifts were exchanged ❤️. We had some amazing feedback from our service users who are looking forward to the next event.

We now have a Gym and seven of our service users are now the owners of complete gym kits and water bottles to help improve their physical and mental health. They are taking part in a six week programme along with several others who take part in daily fifteen minute mile workouts using some weights. Alongside this,  healthy meals are provided and cooked with volunteers every Tuesday to help keep everyone making the right health changes in looking after their hearts, bodies and minds!

Geraldine our wonderful holistic therapies lady as also joining us for an extra day every week, providing a wellbeing and healing session as well as the usually exercise and mediation fun.

Seven of our service users have also successfully completed and passed a half day accredited mental health first aid course and we are looking forward to a celebration award ceremony to give them there certificates and badges.

And finally spring has now sprung in the BRC garden, our bulbs and flowers are bringing beautiful colour to the surroundings are early seeds have been sown. Birds are singing and the wildlife are loving the supply of food we give them daily. Finally our new planters will be up and in full bloom ready for the new season.


Things to look forward to!!

We are going to Blackpool zoo!

We managed to raise enough money to fully fund a day out to Blackpool zoo for twenty of our service users.  This is a first for many of them and we are all really looking forward to this and excited to see the animals.

Our Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Thursday the 28th 0f March with lots of fun and games going on. We are Egg-cited to confirm that we will be getting a visit from the Easter Bunny himself!!

Please let us know asap if any of your service users would like to come along. This is free to all but we need to know numbers as we have a limited availability,  so don’t miss out!